Our Beliefs

Eco-Friendly Products and Process

We take advantage of the innovations in environmentally friendly painting supplies. By offering Greenguard-certified and LEED qualified paint products and chemical-free pressure washing services, we believe it not only enhances the appearance of your house, but also protect the environment and your property.

Details that make the difference

In order to deliver the best quality of work, we make sure to explain our process in detail before starting the job. We care about every detail that would help make the result last longer and brighten up your house at the same time.

Working with care and love

We understand how much you care about your house. We not only take steps before painting to ensure a quality paint job, but also makes sure to clean up afterwards. If your paint job requires special instructions, we will work to meet your requests. Our professional painting contractors, strives for customer satisfaction as well as eco-friendly processes.


Commercial Painting Contractor Services Exterior Painting Interior Painting Chemical-Free Pressure Washing Deck Restoration Log and Cedar Homes Timber Frames Tongue and Groove Weatherproofing Mildew Treatment Smoke Damage Repaired

Greene County, NY

  • Athens
  • Cairo
  • Catskill
  • Coxsackie
  • Freehold
  • Greenville
  • Hunter
  • Lanesville
  • Lexington
  • Palenville
  • Tannersville
  • Windham

Ulster County, NY

  • Boiceville
  • Ellenville
  • Esopus
  • Gardiner
  • High Falls
  • Hurley
  • Katsbaan
  • Kingston
  • Lake Katrine
  • Manorville
  • Marbletown
  • Mt. Marion
  • Mt. Tremper
  • New Paltz
  • Phoenicia
  • Saugerties
  • Shandaken
  • Stone Ridge
  • Wallkill
  • Woodstock


Exterior House Painting

Surface Preparation

Surface Preparation is the key to the paint job. Proper preparation will help the house last, such as drop cloths around the home where we will be performing any scraping to protect your land. We will choose which preparation needs to be done to deliver the desired result.

Chemical-free Pressure Washing

The first step to doing a good job is to ensure a clean surface. We will use chemical-free pressure washing to removes all loose dirt, mildew, and chalking paint to provide a firm base for the finish coat to grab onto. Due to the power of the machines, only a person with specific training on this equipment will be performing this step in the process.


Caulking is a flexible sealer used in cracks where expansion and contraction is expected, such as around window and door frames. It prevents moisture from getting in the cracks of the wood.

Scraping and Sanding

Scraping will remove all loose and peeling paint to provide a firm base for the top coat. This is essential to ensure the paint job will last. Sanding is an option level of preparation that rounds the edges of a scraped area. Sanding only helps with the look of the finished product and has no effect on the life of the paint job. If sanding is done, it is suggested to only do so in highly visible areas.


Priming is done to seal any porous surfaces or stains, and provide a flat finish for the topcoat to adhere. In most cases, this is done on the bare wood spots after scraping, sanding, or paint removal is done. Priming exposed areas, prior to the finish coat, is essential for a paint job to last. We will choose high quality primers to best adhere to the surface type and conditions.

Finish Coat

The finish coat will provide you, the homeowner, with the color and gloss level you wish for your home. The finish coat provides the protection from the elements and ultra violet rays that weather your home.

Clean Up

Clean Up is done daily, as well as at the completion of our work. Paint chips are removed and all our materials are packed up and stored neatly.


After our own inspection, you are invited to inspect our work and asked to complete the feedback card for our exterior house painting job and the crew.

Interior House Painting

We know that there is absolutely nothing like a fresh coat of paint to transform your home.

Our interior painting specialists will take the time to truly understand your needs, providing tips and suggestions on how to achieve your desired look and feel, and will work hard to deliver the service and value that you deserve.

In the communities where we are able to offer interior house painting, we can handle most interior house painting needs, including basic color changes or repaints, sponging, striping, faux finishes, and decorative painting techniques. Our process varies depending upon the needs outlined in your proposal, but our general interior house painting process is outlined below:

Before any work begins, we will meet with you to ensure we discuss the specific details of the work to be completed. We will also communicate with you daily about the progress of the work.

Step 1:

All furniture and floors will be covered and protected.

Step 2:

All holes, cracks and gaps in the ceilings and walls are filled as per the proposal.

Step 3:

Any areas that required any repair are primed, and quality paints are applied to the interior surfaces./p>

Step 4:

All furniture is uncovered and moved back to its original location (if moved); we will vacuum and sweep the area, and will remove our supplies.

Step 5:

We will inspect the work, and will take a final walk around with you to ensure you are completely satisfied. We collect final payment on the work when you are completely satisfied.




☎ 518-291-7527

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